Our Location
4400 34th St. N. | St Pete, FL 33714
Use the form below or call us
(727) 392-3198
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Weight loss st pete
Contact Us
At MA Fitness we take coaching very seriously. We desire for each coach to take time to teach not just tell you what to do. Every client learns something when they come in and together we accomplish the daily goal. Whether your goal is weight loss, building muscle or simply releasing stress on the bag our coaches are trained to help you see the best result and have the best experience possible.
Weight Loss St Pete
Fitness – Kickboxing

Noncontact kickboxing and cardio kickboxing incorporate the same footwork, kicking, and punching techniques as other types of kickboxing, but you direct punches and kicks at heavy bags and hand pads instead of at a workout partner.
Kickboxing offers up a number of health benefits for people of all ages. With these exercise benefits people have been flocking to safe kickboxing workouts like those found at MA Fitness. Burn an average of 500-800 calories per session and build strength while you do it.