+ Muay Thai
+ Begin Elite Level Striking
Our 4 Class Intro Camp gets beginners going and introduced to the concepts
Muay Thai is an amazing style of kickboxing that involves knees, elbows and clinch work on top of boxing and kicks. When you join the intro camp you can expect to learn from the absolute beginner level. How to stand, hold your hands, throw powerful strikes and work in a partner based environment. While we have the opportunity to grow into sparring we do not force it. We value safety and high level skills.
After the 4 class intro camp you will be ready to join the regular weekly class times
What Do I Need?
You will need boxing gloves (12-16oz) and shin guards. Shin guards come included in the intro camp package. We also have a variety of boxing gloves here in our store for purchase if needed.
Wear athletic attire you can move freely in. No shoes
Start at Any Level
Day one gets everyone comfortable with movement and interaction. We start very light and steady. No one gets left behind. You’ll regularly get engaged by an instructor since we keep classes small. This is coed Muay Thai for men and women. We expect a progression of skill application and confidence each session
When Are Classes?
There are several time options to choose from when joining the program. Specific classes are created for each intro camp group so you’ll want to talk to one of our staff. However, you can view our always ongoing training program schedule here on our site

Training Beyond
Advancing your training and skill set is where things get really fun
Continuing training:
- Thai Pad striking
- Discounted contact gear and team gear
- Limited or Full Sparring
- Group or one-on-one training
- Weekly Class times: 645am, 7:30am 545pm, 630pm