15 Minute Ab Workouts For a Flatter Stomach

We compiled some of the most effective ab exercises into 4 distinct workouts that only take 15 minutes or less to accomplish. This ab workout for a flatter stomach series was designed by our kickboxing coaches to make more functional athletes.

Limit breaks to only what it takes to switch from movement to movement. You can do these in a rotation 4 days per week or the same workout 4 times in a row then switch the following week. Both approaches offer their unique challenges. Some require equipment but can be modified to work with body weight only.

Workout #1

  1. Low Plank W/ Single Leg Hover – 4 x 30 Sec
  2. Single Arm DB Crunches – 3 x 20 (10 Each Side)
  3. Leg Raises OR Hanging Knee Tuck – 4 x 15
  4. Weighted Russian Twists – 4 x 30

Workout #2

  1. Bird Dog W/Band or DB – 3 x 20 (10 each side)
  2. Windshield Wipers – 3 x 16
  3. Reverse Crunch W/DB – 3 x 25
  4. Side Plank Hold 4 x 30 sec

Workout #3

  1. Resisted Flutter Kicks 4 x 50
  2. DB Thai Block Crunch 3 x 10 Each Side
  3. Diagonal Pivot Knee Tucks 3 x 20
  4. Weighted OVH Sit Up  3 x 15

Workout #4

  1. Side Plank Low to High Side 3 x 10 (5 Right, 5 Left)
  2. Dead Bug W/ Weight 3 x 20
  3. Single Leg Tuck + Lift 3 x 10 (Each Side)
  4. Seated Over Unders 3 x 20 (10 Right, 10 Left)

Watch the demonstrations here and more content on our free youtube channel

St Pete Trainers and Classes

MA Fitness trainers and classes are top notch. Nothing flashy, no gimmicks. Just fitness training using kickboxing conditioning and skills that bring life back into your workouts. See the schedule of local classes here. Step by step kickboxing classes, strength training to be lb for lb strong and self defense for real world situations. It’s everything you need to live better.