Get connected to the right self defense classes for you. A Weapon Brand instructor will be reaching out once received. Please check your email or specify if a text message/phone call is preferred. We look forward to meeting you.
Cost Varies
Self Defense trainings vary based on duration but mostly curriculum covered and skills transferred. With any training event we are confident you will leave with immediate use tactics to stay safe. Rates start at $99
What to Expect
You can expect professional instruction in any of the self defense classes. No ego trips. No fear mongering. Just empowering skills that could save your life one day. We train dressed in athletic attire and tennis shoes for a modern training experience. No bowing or traditional katas

Skills learned in our self-defense program are to be used in real life situations. This is not a sport or a point match. In real life you do not get to pick your bad guy. He/she will almost always pick the time, place and/or method of attack. You will never get this luxury. We train our students with this in mind. This is why this system was developed to be extremely effective in real life.
Weapon Brand was created from experience in law enforcement, close quarter combat techniques and martial arts with further extensive study on the psychology of criminal intent and realistic self defense. The program is designed for real world application when you need it most.